Failure is sometimes a revelation, if the heart desires a change. If it is a change by God. It is no longer a failure, but the mending of that individual by God, for an imputed righteousness by Faith.
See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Herein, is a community of people worldwide, sharing and learning and growing together. Explore the site, the Forum, the books, blogs, Chat room, the Artworks with music and audio recordings, share with others. God bless you all.
The phrase judge not, should not be mistaken with the act of correction by discernment. To judge not, is in essence saying do not judge down upon an individual whereby lifting oneself above. However, to judge is not forbidden if it is to discern by pointing out an error, or discern in order to prevent a problem.
Thy light is our shield. The persecution from the world is to extinguish the light by the fiery trials, but the fire is only a gateway to the ascending stairs of the heavenly delight. We shall stand and walk, but never bow. For the Lord our God is with us.