Names and their significance
The 12 Disciples
The word disciple has several applications. Therefore, in a broadest sense it refers to those who accept the teachings of anyone. As it was in Biblical days, there were those who stood in the position as a master, and teacher with disciples. So was John the Baptist, and his disciples (Matthew 9:14).
Also, were the Pharisees and their disciples (Matthew 22:16). The broad availability of the word disciple and its several applications can apply be to anyone who accept the teachings of another, for good or bad.
Nevertheless, though there are many teachers, but there is only One who is the wisest of all. Though there are many masters, but there is only One who has all power and authority, for He is God. Consequently, the only true disciples are those who follow and accept the teaching of the Lord.
He is the teacher above all teachers and the Master above all masters. Blessed are those who are the disciples, . . . to be continue
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