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Happiness during hard times?

Writer: P. S. WilmotP. S. Wilmot

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

Growing up as a child, or at least many years ago for the majority, the aspiration was what do I want to be when I grow up. For the most part, such thoughts always led to a joyful feeling and a hope for another day. But with the progression of time and changes in today's society, a GRANDEUR society of grandiosity. Little things are somewhat little or irrelevant. Therefore, the majority push for the bigger things.

In most cases, the bigger pursuing comes with a bigger reality. Wherein happiness is missing, aspiration is no longer a plan for the future, but rather the right now mentality. “I want it, and I want it now”

Whereas, others simply cease from any desire for a change. Then there is the conclusion in some circles; the younger you are, the happier you are. But with age comes burden and the loss of joy. Although there is some truth to that, but why just stop to a mere conclusion and not a solution or an insight to why children are happier than most adults?

Before this is studied closely, let the question be asked. Is there anyone perfect, can perfection be found at its peak in anyone without any flaws? Unequivocally no. So then, why do we so often seek the change we need from within ourselves, if we were a super-agent of change we won’t be in the already dreadful situation we find ourselves in, would we?

On the contrary, a child look to its parents for change, provision, love and understanding. In such stand, its expectation is not within itself, but from a higher source, the parents or guardians. However, we do not always stay a child. One definition of a child is, one who is the product of another; or whose principles and morals are the product of another. If we are no longer a child, as an adult, who principles and morals do we live by? As adults, we step into a phase of accountability. But to whom are we accountable? Knowing there is none perfect.

The understanding of this question will determine true happiness and joy or the pretense thereof.

Daily we fall short of perfections, leaving us with a void, regrets, agony, sorrow and the more like of. In spite of all this, we are not left alone. Though we are broken, but at one point that which is now broken was first made. If we are not perfect, yet we seek perfections. We, then, came from the perfect source. God is that source, the God of the Bible.

As a child look to its parent, without fully understanding the role and duties of its parent, yet, the child shows its dependency. So, should the adult, in his or her relationship with God. Let this be clarify, the acknowledgment of God does not suffice the knowing of God. To know is to learn to commit through fellowship.

I acknowledge the fact that an ATM gives out money, but without having a personal link to the bank, a card and a pin, I am not granted funds from the ATM.

Whenever we enter into a fellowship with God. There is less burden to bear. Like a child, without a burden. Its trust is in the parent, giving the child more time to be happier than trusting in its feeble efforts. Greater than our parents and their parents and grandparents is the Lord. If we trust our parents growing up as a child or whomever we looked up to for the right cause. Now, as an adult we can trust in God for all our needs. Like the poem of 1855

What a friend we have in Jesus All our sins and griefs to bear And what a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer

Oh, what peace we often forfeit Oh, what needless pain we bear All because we do not carry Everything to God in prayer

Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged Take it to the Lord in prayer

Can we find a friend so faithful Who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness Take it to the Lord in prayer



One Day at a Time

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P. S. Wilmot
P. S. Wilmot
Jan 29, 2018

Thank you tx.preacher.kid


Jan 01, 2018

Very true

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