Following up the discussion about the painting, and some of the questions that were asked.

Yes, it is different from my other works, but it was appropriate for such a time with the chaos and division in the land. The battle we face now is needless. Cops are not the enemy and every wrongdoing is not because of racism, without justifying the wrong.
The two individuals are in confrontation, with weapons drawn. However, in the nick of time, the Bible becomes a revelation to perceive for a change. Even though there has been strife between the two individuals, but with the revelation through the Word of God, they both stopped and turn, and for the first time they see clearly.
(Why are we doing this, why are we at odds with one another?)
They can now see the masterminds behind the conflict. To the right is the serpent - cunning deception. Those that are in the street rioting are deceived.
Next to the serpent is the spirit of strife – or the fighting spirit. We see the conflicts in our streets, people want to fight for no reason, they just want to do it.
To the far left is the beast – the spirit of burden and forcefulness, such is the character of most young people today.
Then there is the red eye with the hood, the sinister one, the spirit of fear – with it comes anxiety and uneasiness, causing people to be on edge always, while thinking someone is after them, triggering more irrational behavior among one another.
Towering over them all is the dragon, the spirit of monstrosity, it makes everything seems too difficult.
To the lower left is the spirit of lying, it looks innocent like every lie initially, but with a deadly result, and that spirit is in the News Media and some Far-Left politicians.
The two individuals once stood against one another, now they clearly see. Understanding they shouldn’t fight one another. These things that are not seen with the natural eyes are causing the problem.
Quoting the painting:
“. . . Having seen the defeated foes, let us guide our thoughts which is our journey. Lest we become pawns to that which we cannot see with the natural eyes by engaging in futile fights among ourselves.”
The problem we face in this country and ultimately the world, it is because of spiritual blindness, but if the Word of God is open to the world, people will see clearly.
"Having seen the light, through the Word of God, let us stop, and turn away from our old ways onto the narrow path, and be the few that enter therein into rest."
There is a contrast, to the left of the painting we see an open space, but darkness. To the right we see a narrow path. It is difficult to walk on a narrow path, but further down that path is the light of glory.
In the words of Christ, constricted is the way that leads away into life, and few are the ones finding it.
It is the Word of God through the Bible that gives us the ability to see, and the guidance to walk the narrow path to life.
Lastly, there are two swords, it is all we need like the two characters in the painting. Notice the sword is not long, it is a dagger. Why? It is so because when you read in the Bible concerning the full armor of God and the sword. Ephesians 6:17 It is not talking about a long fighting sword. Christ already won the battle, so the sword we pick up is a dagger which is only used for defense. Satan and all his henchmen were defeated on the Cross, but if they rear their evil heads, we smite them back, and keep moving. The weapon of the sword is the knowing of the Bible and its teaching.
In conclusion, quoting the painting again:
You Are Not Your Brother's Enemy
Who is the enemy? For the lack to perceive, we fight among ourselves. Nevertheless, the true battle has already been won. For the sword of the armor is but for a defense. Through the revelation of the light, having seen the defeated foes, let us guide our thoughts which is our journey. Lest we become pawns to that which we cannot see with the natural eyes by engaging in futile fights among ourselves. You are not your brother’s enemy.
The forces that seek to divide are defeated by Christ, but how shall we know, if we have not heard, how can we hear if the Word of God is hidden? So then, by the revelation of the Word of God, those things that were hidden, we are now aware of, and their once work of division, shall be the reason for unity as we move forward. Like in the words of the great King, David; Your Word, O Lord, is a light unto my path.
Having seen the light, through the Word of God, let us stop, and turn away from our old ways onto the narrow path, and be the few that enter therein into rest.
Wow, so much meat! Just from a painting. So much insight. I love it.