The painting "what is man?" Is quite interesting. I was reading the description and a line said man was made greater than the angels. Is this just a description that has nothing to do with scriptures or am I'm understanding Psalms 8:4 wrong?
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Can someone please post the direct link of the censored painting mentioned in the bulletin? It was kind of difficult scrolling through all to find one.
Any new painting soon? 🙂
Thank you @tracy87b now, the suggestion is below
The Painting deals with both the description of the artwork and it is based on Scriptures, precisely; (Psalms 8:5) For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels . . .
That is how it is read for the most part. However, that is where the misunderstanding is. In the English language, it reads as "angels," but in the original text, it isn't so.
The word angels should read "Godhead" Consequently, it should be read this way, Thou inspects him?
And cause him to lack a little of Godhead, And with honor and majesty.
Or, You have made him lack a little from God.
From here, we know man (humanity) is greater than the angels, considering man is next to God and angels aren't above God, therefore they are below man. Although, due to the fall, it seems unlikely that man is greater than an angel, but if you and I look at ourselves in the mirror now, we are not what we were once meant to be. This is the idea behind the painting, "What is man?"