Troubled are the waters, but above the dark clouds prevails the Light of God as a hand guiding me to that better land. Beyond the midst of the troubled waters and the dark clouds, is a brighter place. Through these troublesome waters, but now, I fear no more. Though toss in the turmoil of life’s storming sea, but on the rage I do roll. Dear God, have mercy on me.
Troublesome waters around me do roll
Rocking this boat tempting my soul
Loved ones are drifting they’re living in sin
These troublesome waters are pulling them in
Gently I feel the touch of God’s hand
Guiding my boat to that better land
Leading the way to Heaven’s bright shore
Troublesome waters I’m fearing no more
Troublesome waters are blacker than night
Hiding from view the harbor’s bright light
Tossed in this turmoil of life’s stormy sea
Then I cried dear Savior have mercy on me
Troublesome waters are blacker than night
Hiding from view the harbor’s bright light
I’m tossed in the turmoil of life’s stormy sea
I cried dear Jesus have mercy on me
Gently I feel the touch of God’s hand
He’s guiding my boat to that better land
Leading the way to Heaven’s bright shore
Troublesome waters I’m fearing no more
Gospel, song and art indeed the best combination hallelujah..🙌🙌🙌