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Follow up on Ephesians 6

Just a little nugget insight which make us appreciate the details in the Word of God.

It's fascinating how every detail in the Word holds meaning. In Ephesians 6, Paul mentions Tychicus, calling him "... Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will tell you everything."

Interestingly, Tychicus's name means "fortunate." When we align ourselves with the Lord, as the preceding verses encourage us to do, we experience His favor. How fitting that the man chosen to share more with the Christians is named "fortunate" or "favored." 😊

What a blessing it is to grow in the Lord! 🙌🏻🙏🏻 His favor will always find us, teach us, and encourage us. God bless you.

And remember to work everyday. What you do for the Lord, is your calling, regardless of the scope or urgency, be a light in this word to someone, closer to you, or far away,…


Study guide

Read Ephesians chapter 6, meditate on it. I will share something later. God bless you.

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Sabbath: A Tapestry of Rest

A painting I completed during the weekend.

Check the gallery tomorrow for the painting.

Sabbath: A Tapestry of Rest

In the stillness of the Sabbath, the world pauses to reveal its profound beauty. The land, air, and waters, created so long ago, remain steadfast, sustaining us through our daily lives. On this day of rest, the waters transform, shimmering and rippling, guiding the observant to a place of serenity.



The greatness of God is beyond everything and definitely whatsoever you are going through.

Let us look at John chapter 1 verse three. (John 1:3) For an insight to the phrase “all things.”

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Upon first glance of the passage above, even with our focus on the phrase “all things,” we perceive it as a whole.

However, the word describing the phrase “all things” carries a far insightful meaning. It speaks not of a whole at once, rather all things as in an infinite detail. This is the Greek word, pas – meaning each, every, each part and parts. Every item of creation, one by one.


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