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Dwelling on misfortune or seeking the solution to the problem? 

John 9:2-3
(2)  And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?
(3)  Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.


Customary of those days, accompanied with a rabbi were His disciples. 
Their day to day learning from the master served as a channel from which others around them were blessed and taught, as they were taught through their curiosity. The many who watched and followed, learned as well, through the teaching of the Master to His disciples. 


So, today, may we learn through the curiosity of the past, serving as a discernment for the present and future.


The question to the Master, through the curiosity from His disciples, is that which is typical of men. 

Man, in his nature without the constant intervention through the reminder of the Holy Spirit to point him to God, his mind will default to virtually all things, but God. 
The mind of men, when addressing a problem or a situation will seek to address a situation first, by elevating the problem rather than the acceptance of the solution which is God. 


The place is Jerusalem, the situation is not what it ought to be, therefore the disciples of Christ are perplexed.


In this part of Jerusalem, as the Lord passed by, He saw a man which was blind from his birth. The word "saw" used here implies to be aware and to understand. Consequently, Christ having seen this man who was born blind, this was not mere of a view from seeing, rather He saw the situation in its totality. 


He was aware of the man's problem of being blind from birth. Thus, He understood that through the dark mystery of his blindness, the light of God would shine forth that he may see and others around him will perceive the glory of God. However, the disciples did not understand the acceptance of the solution, which was God in their midst. Therefore, they became perplexed by elevating the problem. This is evident from their question. 


His disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?  

Here lies a man who has never known what it is to see, though he is aware of seeing, but he cannot see. This is symbolic to the believer, we are aware of that which is right, but in ourselves, we cannot do that which is right without the empowering of the Holy Spirit.

The mystery of darkness he bore, his dependency on others as a beggar. The sorrow of not knowing from whence cometh his next meal or provision. 

Nonetheless, man in his approach to such situation will elevate the problem through accusation and judgment. More so, even the godliest would at times use God to point out a problem, but fail to seek Him for the solution. By elevating the problem, they sought out the perpetrator rather than the solution, by asking who did sin as the result of the man being born blind, the man or his parents? 

In so doing, they shall justify his problem as a punishment. They incorporated the Lord in their search for an answer, but fails to seek Him to solve the problem. 
Yet, by grace, Christ did heal this man without condemnation nor accusation against him. The healing of the man born blind served as the restoration of his sight, as well as the healing of the disciples’ heart. 


This we learn, during a situation we do not understand, let us anticipate the works of God that it should be made manifest.


In the words of Christ to His disciples, He said, neither has this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.


Christ wasn’t implying that this man was without sin. However, let us as disciples of Christ learn to seek God for the solution of the problem. Though we acknowledged the problem, but we do not elevate the problem over the solution. 

Even in the darkest of ours and others transgression and situation, may the glory of God shine forth, like the blindness of the eyes receiving its sight for the first time.  Having seen clearly, now, may we walk in the right manners. So also, we should walk in newness of life, that we might live a new life.

The Lord Jesus Christ came into the world, not only to give light, but sight to those who could not behold light. The sight that He gives to trusting souls proves Him to be the One sent of God to be the true light of the world. Experience of His saving power is a safer teaching than reason, therefore let those whose eyes have been opened be bold to witness to a world that would explain away His power.

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