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Law and Grace

Writer's picture: P. S. WilmotP. S. Wilmot

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

To be at peace, or the recurrence of weariness.

The mind is the liberation of being human. Yet it is the most powerful element of keeping a person bound when he or she intransigently refuse to accept another alternative, to a cause of liberation.

The focus of the exposition here is Law and Grace.

This we know, the Law is Holy and good, and Grace; we all need. Nevertheless, the misunderstanding of a subject without correction, will gradually lead to the perversion of that subject.

The perversion in this case is defined as a curve that reverses the direction of something. So then, before that which is reversed, it was started on a path, a right path. In this case, the path is the Law. However, a path is that which leads to a destination. A path without a destination is a path off-course. He or she thereon is lost or astray. This is the condition of most Christians.

They accept the Law as Holy and good, and rightly so, but the distortion of the Law is the misunderstanding of the Holy aspect of the Law. Yes, the Law is Holy and good, but the Holiness of the Law is not in the Christian. Rather, God is the author of the Law and He is Holy, not the believer.

Shall we acknowledge the Law while ignoring its requirements? Certainly not. Gill said concerning the Law, it is a transcript of the holy nature of God, a declaration of His Holy will; it requires holiness both of heart and life; it forbids whatever is unholy, and commands nothing but what is holy.

So then, if the Law forbids whatsoever is unholy, is the believer unaccountable for holiness?

Before this is answered, it is better to understand what the Law is in relation to Grace.

The Law in relation to Grace, differ from the Mosaic Law in its function as the constitution of the nation, and the determination of civil and criminal cases. Meaning, if it was wrong to steal thousands of years ago when the law was given, it is as well wrong to steal today. These are the moral aspect of the Law, but they are not to be ignored, through the deeds of stealing, lying, coveting and the likes thereof. Nevertheless, these are not to be the believer’s object of faith. Rather, faith in the Lord will usher a closer walk with the Lord. A closer walk with the Lord, means sin shall not have dominion over the believer. (Romans 6:14)

The Law in Relation to Grace.

The word Law or Torah; its basic meaning is teaching or instruction, with implication to a parent instructing the youth. Now, illustratively speaking, the youth that is being instructed is placed on a path of learning, so is the believer in relation with God. The parents or parent is aware that perfection or holiness is not within the child, but the child is set on a path while knowing the nature of the parent.

There comes a time, however, the child that is being taught must become an adult. The Law was the path of instruction, and Grace is the completion of the Law. He who dwells in the Law is as an adult who refuses to leave childhood.

Therefore, the Law wasn’t given to prefect the believer (Galatians 2:21), but to show the believer what he or she ought to be. Like looking into a mirror, it shows you what you are, but it cannot change who you are. There arise struggles and problems when a believer puts their faith in the Law, but fails to see the changes in their lives. As God has shown us what we ought to be through His nature by the Law; likewise, He has provided the means by which we are to be like Him. This is the line between Law and Grace, and this is the Cross of Christ.

Before the Cross, the believer lived in the time of the Law, it shows their shortcoming, therefore the Law was a reminder of the inadequacies of the believer. As stated, the Law forbids whatever is unholy, and commands nothing but what is holy. So then, how can a person who is inadequate be holy? They cannot. Therefore, holiness or doing that which is right, or righteousness were received from without, never from the individual. Like the illustration of Exodus 12:13 - Numbers 1:46. (603,550) Israelites were delivered from bondage, excluding the woman and children, consequently a million or more were delivered.

Their deliverance wasn’t predicated on their holiness, but the shadow of that which was to come; The Cross of Christ. They put their faith in the Cross of Christ through the substitute of the Blood of the Lamb. Thus, it was written as a proclamation of a promise of deliverance to them. “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” The Passing over here spoke of death not befalling the homes that had the Blood of the Lamb on the door post. Even before His Precious Blood was shared, millions believed and were delivered and saved. How much more today can the Christian experience a life of peace? If they believe.

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross. (Colossians 2:14 KJV)

The ordinance that was against us spoken of here, refers to the demand of the Law. Note, the Law is good, but it was against us. Meaning it pointed out that which was wrong with us. So, Christ took it out of the way, nailing it to His Cross. Shall we take it down from His Cross and place it back on ourselves?

For thousands of years, Godly men and women living under the time of the Law, they hoped for the time of Christ the Redeemer. As it was written; Abraham saw into the future, the time of Christ and Abraham was glad. The ordinances of the Law that was against us was removed by Christ. Why would the believer today go back under the Law by engaging in the keeping of holy dates or the Leviticus dietary laws?

As those who came before us, walked the path of the Law, may we learn from their walk by beholding the destination of the path which is the end of the law, the beginning of Grace. For Christ is the end of the Law. (Romans 10:4) Where the Law ended, Grace began. Walking in Grace, is living by faith, the acknowledging of ones’ condition. Whatsoever it is, Lord, I can’t do it by my will, but I trust you can, on my behalf, may your will be done in me.

The Law was the shadow of the substance that was to come. Christ is that Substance, and a substance is better than the shadow. Can a little girl anticipate her father’s return, having beheld his shadow in the doorway, ignore his presence with his arms open to embrace her, but she resorts to his shadow instead of his presence? This is the condition of most believers.

Concerning Christ being the end of the Law, Clarke said; Where the law ends, Christ begins. The law ends with representative sacrifices; Christ begins with the real offering. The law is our schoolmaster to lead us to Christ; it cannot save, but it leaves us at His door, where alone salvation is to be found. Christ as an atoning sacrifice for sin, was the grand object of the whole sacrificial code of Moses; His passion and death was the fulfillment of its great object and design. Separate this sacrificial death of Christ from the law, and the Law has no meaning.

For the lack of the understanding thereof, concerning this topic; men in their attempt to help themselves and others sincerely or insincerely has caused more harm than the betterment of one another. There are those who revert to the keeping of the Law, Ceremonial Law, in so doing they become a transgressor. (Galatians 2:18)

Then there are those who keep the Ceremonial Law, by observing what they eat, what they wear, the feast days and the Sabbath. Is it wrong or is it right? Let the Word of God have the final say. Thus, we read according to Galatians 2:16. Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

Then do not let anyone judge you in eating, or in drinking, or in part of a feast, or of a new moon, or of Sabbaths, which are a shadow of coming things, but the body is of Christ. Let no one condemn you, delighting in humility and worship of the angels, pushing into things which he has not seen, being puffed up by the mind of his flesh without cause.

(Colossians 2:16-18 LITV)

The correction of the error is present, but the hardness of the heart will reject in stubbornness. Justifying these are kept for a closer relationship with the Lord. The mind is the liberation of being human. Yet it is the most powerful element of keeping a person bound when he or she intransigently refuse to accept another alternative, to a cause of liberation.

On the contrary, a relationship or fellowship with the Lord is not based on the Law, mainly the Ceremonial Law. Relationship is established and kept through God’s covenant. God made His covenant with Abraham some 430 years before the giving of the Law at Sinai. Through this covenant, a relationship was established, and the relationship is kept.

Shall we then forsake the Law? Absolutely not, with a willing heart the understanding of the Law will bring the believer closer to the Lord, not away from Him through works of self-righteousness.

To further appreciate the given statement above is to understand the three functions of the Law.

The three functions of the Law.

  1. The revelation of God’s nature (He is just and Holy)

  2. To reveal sin

  3. To guide the believer into that which is right

Expounding on the three functions of the Laws above, which is to say, The Law shows us who God is. The Knowing of God reveals to us how inadequate we are, like a deteriorating pottery vessel brought from the darkness into the light, revealing its flaws and imperfection. One cannot change one’s nature, therefore shall the humble heart cried out...

Search me, oh God and know my heart today. Try me, oh precious Saviour, know my thought I pray. See if there would be some wicked, wicked way in me. Cleanse me from every sin and set me free. I thank you Lord for cleansing me from sin. Fulfill your glorious Word, and make me pure within… Fill me with your fire, where I once burn with shame… grant my desire… To magnify Your Name. Lord, take my life and make it wholly Thine, fill my poor heart… with your great love divine. Take all my will, my passion, self and pride. I surrender all to you Lord, from the deep of my heart. I give you myself, my all and all. Lord in me abide. Oh Holy Spirit revival comes from Thee, send a revival, start the work in me. Your Words it declares that You will supply, and meet our every need… for blessing, blessings now oh my Lord I humbly plead. For blessing, blessings now, oh my Lord, I humbly plead.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

(Psalms 51:10)

____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒©

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Apr 11, 2018

Romans 3:20 was a word to the wise for me


P. S. Wilmot
P. S. Wilmot
Apr 04, 2018
@ sd.ny99s, the sacraments are not Laws, yet they are important because it relies on the Word. But using the sacraments as a means of self-righteousness, then it can be turn into Law.

P. S. Wilmot
P. S. Wilmot
Apr 04, 2018
Thanks Matthew God bless you

P. S. Wilmot
P. S. Wilmot
Apr 04, 2018
You are welcome Pinkpanther. Philippians 4:7

Apr 04, 2018

Refreshing.. where would the sacraments fit I

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