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Tell no man

Writer's picture: P. S. WilmotP. S. Wilmot

Updated: Sep 30, 2020

Why did Jesus warn his disciples, not to tell anyone of His power of transfiguration of a radiant, glorious light until after the Cross, and His risen from the dead?

An exposition dealing with the scene of the Transfiguration.

(Moses Elijah and Jesus)

(Matthew 17:9) And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead.

Herein, the mind might wonder, Christ is the Messiah, and what has just transpired inferably proves that He is. Yet, He commanded those who have witnessed His transfiguration . . . tell no man. To fully grasp the indication herein, is to fully understand Christ in His totality. Yes, He is God in the flesh, such was evidence as He stood and talked with Elijah and Moses.

However, knowing Christ as God with all power does not suffice the knowing of Him in fullness. As He is God in the flesh, He is the suffering Saviour, the perfect man, the perfect Sacrifice, the slain Lamb of God.

The Cross was the platform on which Christ the slain Lamb of God was revealed to man.

Therefore, unless the believer can understand the importance of the Cross, by seeing Christ in His fullness as God, and as the slain Lamb, the believer can tell no man about Jesus. Although as God, He made all things (John 1:3) and can do all things, but as the slain Lamb, He did saved man. Until this has resonated in the soul of the believer, and the evidence of His resurrection because of His death to save us. Unless these things be fully risen in the life of the believer, the believer can tell no man of Christ.

Those the Lord commanded to tell no man of what they have seen were, Peter, James and John. These three represent the platform from which the Gospel of Jesus Christ would go forth, and many more did follow, such as the apostle Paul, along with every true believer of today. Therefore, what was spoken to them, must be heard by us today. The message of the preachers for today and the conversation among today's believers, is not to glory in outward personifications, nor ritualistic practices. For the words of the Lord to them was, tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead. (This speaks of the Cross) Therefore, Christ can never be risen in us until we accept the fact that He first died for us.

If Christ died for us, His death represents our incapability and dependence on Him. Therefore, he who is dependent on another, must abide and trust that his or her needs will be met. So shall be the believer’s relationship with God. We can only get to such place by denying self, by trusting in God for all things. Then, shall we tell all men of the greatness of Him (Jesus) that they too may retire from their repetition of vain works and their ritualistic practices for the fear of superstition.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.



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הוספת דירוג
P. S. Wilmot
P. S. Wilmot
20 באוק׳ 2018



20 באוק׳ 2018

Great quote @karen " we can not express or speak with bases of what we have not lived "



20 באוק׳ 2018

John 3:16 . I completely agree, we can not express or speak with bases of what we have not lived, in my experience with God I can say that he is the plenitude of everything and in everything, powerful word and its representation for our daily life


08 ביולי 2018

Amen I like this.


08 ביולי 2018

Yay I found it too 😊

Blessings & insightful

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