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This is a new day

Writer's picture: P. S. WilmotP. S. Wilmot

Updated: Sep 29, 2020

This is the day which the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24)

The awareness of the verse above is that which is familiar to many, but the declaration of responsibility for the many, are few. Therefore, at times that which is read are merely words, though it is intended to serve as a platform from which changes and alterations arise.

Illustratively speaking, a direction serves as an act of setting on a course. However, the reason for the direction we read, or perceive on a screen, does not only serve the purpose of agreeing to the turns, the stops and accelerations. It, however, leads to the realization of where we are and the reason thereof.

With reference to the verse above; the realization is, the preparation wherewith we prepared ourselves to rejoice and be glad. The reason thereof is, the Lord has made a new day.

If an individual is on a course, following the directions precisely, but never to obtain the realization of where they are, or the reason for being where they are; sooner or later, the value of the outcome of the directions will become of no effect to that individual. Without the directions they wander.

Such is the place and position of certain individuals. Though they love the Lord and are passionate about His words, but they find themselves on a course, without a destination. Therein, without a focus of the destination, which is Christ, many are the afflictions of the journey.

The idea is not that the journey of life is without trials and tribulations, therefore, those who experience such are not worthy, but how the circumstance is perceived, it determines how the individual will carry on through endurance, or cessation.

How is Christ being the focus of life’s journey propels and guides the believer? For this we turn back to the Psalm, 118:24. This is the day which the LORD has made . . . Observe, the day, which is today, is brought forth by the Lord. Considering we contributed not a thing to the breaking of dawn, nor the rising of the sun and the biological nudge of awakening within us. Can we not trust we are a part of a bigger plan we called a new day? Sure, we can. The more we see less of ourselves, and more of the Lord, the less we see our problems. The following sentence of the Psalm reads, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Observe again, the Psalmist in other passages uses the pronoun “I.” I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help . . . Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. However, herein the pronoun “we” is used instead.

The understanding of this is valuable in preparing the believer for a new day. For this, let us look closely at the passage. Psalm 118:24 is considered an antiphonal hymn – That which is sung responsively, in response to another, this is important. Secondly, the occasion is considered to be that of the Passover annual festival. The Passover commemorates the final plague upon Egypt which led to the Israelites being delivered from bondage. The Passover was also called the feast of Unleavened bread. During this time, only Unleavened bread was eaten.

The History behind the feast of the Unleavened bread, was the recollection of the spectacular deliverance and a sudden departure from a place of bondage to a place of freedom. Therefore, the Israelites had no time to put leaven or yeast in their bread. The main reason for this which is the spiritual implication is, leaven represents imperfection, or that which is tempered with. When leaven or yeast is placed in a dough, it manipulates the true form and mass of the dough by making it to rise while corrupting the dough true substance, through the act of fermentation. Though it happened in the natural, for the Israelites were in haste to leave the life of bondage, but God knew that someday He will become man, the perfect man in Christ to deliver all who believe, from the penalty of sin, which is death, and the daily ongoing renewing of our minds by His grace. Just as the Israelites of old did not try to bring about their own deliverance, of which they couldn’t, but they believed that the Lord could, and they took Him with them and within them. This is the type of the Unleavened bread.

Today, may we take Christ as He is and make Him a part of who we are. Concerning this, the Lord Christ Jesus said, Truly, truly I say unto you, except you eat of My flesh, and drink My blood, you have no life in you. Was He referring to His physical body and blood? Certainly not. He further explained. (Luke 22:19)

And He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me.

Likewise, also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my Blood, which is shed for you.

So then, as the Psalm represents the Passover annual festival which commemorates deliverance. Let us live everyday knowing where we once were and where we are now, with a heart of gratitude.

To this Pulpit adds, this Psalm also is an antiphonal hymn, composed for a joyful occasion.

Let us look at our lives, if there isn’t anything to be joyful for, there is one thing to be joyful for everything; He has delivered us from the previous life of bondage, the life of living but without the true reason of living. To this, everyone can be grateful. Yesterday is gone, today has come, the problems of yesterday are left in the old, today, let us prepare ourselves and rejoice for the gracious opportunity for the new day. Joyfulness is contagious. Hence, the Psalmist used the pronoun “we,” but he that is without joy in his heart, he is rejected among his fellow men, lest they too become misery in the new day which the Lord has made. The antiphonary of the Psalm is this; the joy of the feeling we feel, is not to be kept within, when it is expressed outwardly, those around us will respond in harmony likewise.

This is the day which the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

(Psalms 118:24)

Study reference

  • Ephesians 5:19

  • John 14:1-3

  • Galatians 5:4

  • Exodus 12:13

  • Romans 12:2

  • Colossians 3:16

  • Matthew 28:20



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