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- This is a new day
This is the day which the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24) The awareness of the verse above is that which is familiar to many, but the declaration of responsibility for the many, are few. Therefore, at times that which is read are merely words, though it is intended to serve as a platform from which changes and alterations arise. Illustratively speaking, a direction serves as an act of setting on a course. However, the reason for the direction we read, or perceive on a screen, does not only serve the purpose of agreeing to the turns, the stops and accelerations. It, however, leads to the realization of where we are and the reason thereof. With reference to the verse above; the realization is, the preparation wherewith we prepared ourselves to rejoice and be glad. The reason thereof is, the Lord has made a new day. If an individual is on a course, following the directions precisely, but never to obtain the realization of where they are, or the reason for being where they are; sooner or later, the value of the outcome of the directions will become of no effect to that individual. Without the directions they wander. Such is the place and position of certain individuals. Though they love the Lord and are passionate about His words, but they find themselves on a course, without a destination. Therein, without a focus of the destination, which is Christ, many are the afflictions of the journey. The idea is not that the journey of life is without trials and tribulations, therefore, those who experience such are not worthy, but how the circumstance is perceived, it determines how the individual will carry on through endurance, or cessation. How is Christ being the focus of life’s journey propels and guides the believer? For this we turn back to the Psalm, 118:24. This is the day which the LORD has made . . . Observe, the day, which is today, is brought forth by the Lord. Considering we contributed not a thing to the breaking of dawn, nor the rising of the sun and the biological nudge of awakening within us. Can we not trust we are a part of a bigger plan we called a new day? Sure, we can. The more we see less of ourselves, and more of the Lord, the less we see our problems. The following sentence of the Psalm reads, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Observe again, the Psalmist in other passages uses the pronoun “I.” I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help . . . Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. However, herein the pronoun “we” is used instead. The understanding of this is valuable in preparing the believer for a new day. For this, let us look closely at the passage. Psalm 118:24 is considered an antiphonal hymn – That which is sung responsively, in response to another, this is important. Secondly, the occasion is considered to be that of the Passover annual festival. The Passover commemorates the final plague upon Egypt which led to the Israelites being delivered from bondage. The Passover was also called the feast of Unleavened bread. During this time, only Unleavened bread was eaten. The History behind the feast of the Unleavened bread, was the recollection of the spectacular deliverance and a sudden departure from a place of bondage to a place of freedom. Therefore, the Israelites had no time to put leaven or yeast in their bread. The main reason for this which is the spiritual implication is, leaven represents imperfection, or that which is tempered with. When leaven or yeast is placed in a dough, it manipulates the true form and mass of the dough by making it to rise while corrupting the dough true substance, through the act of fermentation. Though it happened in the natural, for the Israelites were in haste to leave the life of bondage, but God knew that someday He will become man, the perfect man in Christ to deliver all who believe, from the penalty of sin, which is death, and the daily ongoing renewing of our minds by His grace. Just as the Israelites of old did not try to bring about their own deliverance, of which they couldn’t, but they believed that the Lord could, and they took Him with them and within them. This is the type of the Unleavened bread. Today, may we take Christ as He is and make Him a part of who we are. Concerning this, the Lord Christ Jesus said, Truly, truly I say unto you, except you eat of My flesh, and drink My blood, you have no life in you. Was He referring to His physical body and blood? Certainly not. He further explained. (Luke 22:19) And He took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me. Likewise, also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my Blood, which is shed for you. So then, as the Psalm represents the Passover annual festival which commemorates deliverance. Let us live everyday knowing where we once were and where we are now, with a heart of gratitude. To this Pulpit adds, this Psalm also is an antiphonal hymn, composed for a joyful occasion. Let us look at our lives, if there isn’t anything to be joyful for, there is one thing to be joyful for everything; He has delivered us from the previous life of bondage, the life of living but without the true reason of living. To this, everyone can be grateful. Yesterday is gone, today has come, the problems of yesterday are left in the old, today, let us prepare ourselves and rejoice for the gracious opportunity for the new day. Joyfulness is contagious. Hence, the Psalmist used the pronoun “we,” but he that is without joy in his heart, he is rejected among his fellow men, lest they too become misery in the new day which the Lord has made. The antiphonary of the Psalm is this; the joy of the feeling we feel, is not to be kept within, when it is expressed outwardly, those around us will respond in harmony likewise. This is the day which the LORD has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalms 118:24) Study reference Ephesians 5:19 John 14:1-3 Galatians 5:4 Exodus 12:13 Romans 12:2 Colossians 3:16 Matthew 28:20 ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒©
- The Instruction
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. For many of us that are familiar with the passage above, we read it not as a child, but as an adult. Consequently, the mind ascertains, though it is God’s word, but I am an adult and it does not apply to me. Herein, we read over it without giving any second thought to the passage. Or we prepare ourselves to be the one to instruct the child. The closer we observe the verse, may we learn the ways that are presented for the blessings, as to a child and to anyone on the path of doing that which is right. The idea of the passage is to hedged in the Child, as one would build a hedge or a fence around that which is precious to his or her family. However, protection without trust is captivity and to be hedged in without freedom is bondage. Swaggart once wrote; what are to be fenced in must be two things: the child and the Bible. This is the way he should go. Therein is wisdom and with wisdom comes freedom, to do that which is right while being aware of the wrong. If these are the instructions to be given to a child for a better tomorrow, perhaps we as adults should examine ourselves. Have we stayed in the way of that which is right, or have we departed from it? Aren’t we as children, wanting to receive, but impatience to endure? Happy today, but disgruntled tomorrow. May we examine ourselves as children of the Lord. Within our inner being, let us hold on to His words. Therein, He may show us the duties and dangers, of our actions or inaction and the blessings of the path wherewith we walk. For we are all His children, the young and the old, let us abide with Him and His Words. Psalms 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Amen Study Reference 2 Corinthians 13:5 Psalms 119:35 James 1:5 1 John 2:1 ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒©
- Love
One word, all too familiar, but vast in its representation, consequently though it is ever present, yet it is unknown by many. From the Greek Language, wherewith the English Language has some of its roots and upbringing, the word “love” is presented in multiple views in an attempt for a precise representation. Without the covering of all, we will proceed for the establishment of our study, by looking at two words for love (Storege, and Philia) which accompanies one and the other for a better understanding of love. Storege A love that binds people in a natural group, like a family and parents to children. As we grow and venture beyond the borders of our family through maturity, the unknown becomes part familiar, through the friendship we establish. For this, the Greek uses the word Philia, which is the love of friendship. This is seen as a great value and a stepping-stone in our lives. For He who is the source of love, is also love in His nature. In His wisdom, He established the structures of love, wherewith the accumulation of all will lead to the understanding of one, the one which circumference all. To this we speak of the love, Agape. The love of God This Love has patience, is kind; love is not envious; love is not vain, is not puffed up. Does not behave indecently, does not pursue its own things, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil. Does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth. Love quietly covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Without these, love in its vastness is naught, but a shadow expression, spoken but without an impact, seen, but can never be ascertained, present, but never felt. He or she who is capable of loving will be a reciprocity, for in return, they will be loved. However, preceding all is the establishment of first knowing they are loved, beyond the love of their fellow men, is the love of God toward us all. Thus saith the Lord, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands from wrongdoing, and He will fill your hands with what you need. Believe on Him, and He will deliver for you. Love Him with all your heart and you will rediscover all your needs, and He will fulfil to thee. Study Reference 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Jeremiah 31:3 James 4:8 Proverbs 10:12 Exodus 20:12 Romans 12:9 John 3:16 ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒©
- Man and Woman
Love cannot be defined through words, for where it is made alive, it becomes boundless through the relationship it creates. Therein are the facture structures of love, and herein we find compassion, faithfulness, and trust. These and more are governed by a covenant. Human love is God’s best gift to man, F. B. Meyer once wrote. Indeed, he was right, but that which is given, must first be received. How shall they receive, if they reject the giver? Such is the world of today, loveless, but filled with skepticism. However, the absence of love isn’t always the expression of lovelessness, or heartless. The need thereof is the position to receive. As it was in the beginning . . . The LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. (Genesis 2:18) Man needed something that he could not have. Within him was the presence of what he needed, though it was present, but he had no means to bring it to pass. But with God, He gives unto man what he always needed, and the beauty lies in the fact that God did not go asunder to bring about the needs of man, but within the man, God brought forth what he always needed. God knows of our needs, and it cannot be brought forth without His intervention. So it was with the first man, God brought forth all his needs, and more than he could imagine in his brilliant mind. When he saw the female, she was like him in many ways, but better than he would have ever hoped for. And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. (Genesis 2:21-23) As help meet, every aspect of her was perfectly tuned to accommodate him, and in the grand picture, they were made perfectly for the accommodation of each other. Suitable, neither one was superior to the other, nor inferior, but intellectually, morally, and physically as a counterpart. Emotional, physical and spiritual attributes. From their emotional indifference, came harmony, their two indifference, balance out their indifference as one for their well-being. From the physical attribute, she stands next to him, and the body of the woman conforms to the man, better than a puzzle would, in the firmness of his male exterior, the gentleness of her female body provides all that he lacks. Their height proportions, he would look down upon her, being next to him. Without the motive of superiority, but with the humbling appreciation to God and his love for her, knowing she is from him and she is one with him. Likewise, she would look up to him, not as her God, but with the need to be always close to him, knowing she is from him and she belongs to him. Without him she wouldn’t be. The more she sees such bond and love for the man, the more she glories God in her being for making it possible. Here lies the true love that is missing in today’s world, the illustration demonstrates, when true love is expressed, its ultimate expression is wrapped in the glory of God. As the man appreciates the woman, which is from him, he is thankful to God. As the woman rejoices knowing the man can only love her as he loves himself, for she is from him and one with him. Knowing where she is from, she is pleased to know he sees her as one with himself, in this, she glories God in her being for such a union. True love is trust and gratitude. First toward God, and toward one another, male and female as one flesh. Though the power of procreation is in the man. Nevertheless, the man in himself cannot bring it to pass. He must trust God, this is the lesson, we cannot realize what is within us to be brought forth until we trust in God. To such account, here is the scene. The setting is Eden, the theme is, man not knowing what he really needs, but he is aware he is missing something that he needs. Never has he seen a woman, yet he reigns over God’s creation alone, and the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Before the man experience love, he must first trust God, thus we read and God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept. When we sleep, we surrender our will and the awareness of who we are. Consequently, we cannot sleep in the presence of a stranger we do not trust, but the man slept in the presence of God, it shows he trusts in God. Before our unknown needs are brought forth, we must learn to surrender who we are to the Lord. Then out of our deepest desire, shall come into fruition that which we need. And God took one of his (the man) ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. The uniqueness of the woman is 1 out of the whole. For there are 206 bones in the human body, the rib is the only bone capable of regrowing itself when removed or damage. Within this particular bone is the marrow, which is capable to infuse other bones in replenishing and healing, as well as the replenishing of the body organs. Though the rib is not as strong as the other bones in the body, yet its precise placement serves as the protector of vital body organs. Such is the female to the male, and society. As the beginning of love is illustrated, the man must trust in God to bring forth that which is needed in a relationship. Likewise, the woman must be grateful to God in all things for who she is. This is the foundation of the male and female relationship. Without which the man relies on his willpower rather than God to bring about his wants rather than his needs, in so doing he becomes a savage. Likewise, the woman, without an appreciation of who she is by the grace of God, she becomes a fool in competing with the man, to be an equal to the man, she acts like the man while forsaking the very essence of her beauty. Therein she finds no rest or peace, but hate and anger. So then, in a relationship, is the man better than the woman? Certainly not. Nevertheless, the number “1” is always first before the number “2”, however, two is greater than one, but without "1", the greatness of "2" cannot be seen. When numerical values work together in a mathematical equation, bridges are built, buildings are erected and Civilizations flourish. Correspondingly, when God is the focus in a relationship, the man and woman work together, not to compete, but trust and gratitude for what they are. If the relationship is yet to be established, trust and gratitude are the foundation thereof. In closing, we ask these words of F. B. Meyer. What is power without love, or a throne without a consort? Eve was, therefore, given to crown his bliss; taken from his side, as afterward the Church from the opened side of Christ. So then, can power be obtained to enjoy without love? Such is a villain, or what is the royalty of a throne without a companion? So, as the female is the precious crown for the happiness of the relationship, the Lord is the Architect and the giver of all. How shall they receive, if they reject the giver? Today the word love is merely a temporal expression to desire the experience of pleasure, rather than a tender compassion devoted to the well-being of someone. Not only for the present, but for the future as well. Without which, the perilous amongst the people and society are many. The demise of a loveless nation is imminent. As it was with Rome, under Emperor Claudius II, who banned the traditional marriage, in hope to build a better military. Without true love among the people, with God as its focus, the human mind will wander astray with the intention of filling the gap and correcting the confusion of the mind, but to no avail. Nevertheless, there are those who stand up for what is right, despite political correctness, such were Saint Valentine. Choosing morality above Political correctness, Saint Valentine went on marrying soldiers to their brides, while denying the worship of pagan gods, which led to his Incarceration. History records his jailer as Asterius, he asked Saint Valentine to pray for his blind daughter while he awaits his execution. Her healing led to Asterius’ conversion. His letter to the jailer’s daughter was signed, from your Valentine, before his death on February 14, 269 AD. Which is now celebrated as Valentine’s day. The lesson here is not to celebrate a man, but when an individual desire to stand for God, the impact is everlasting. If a man and a woman learn to establish their love based on God, the impact of their relationship will be everlasting . . . But Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33) ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒© Related topic, Woman, the forgotten art of being a woman #ValentinesDay
- Fear not, but with fear of uncertainty, ask to believe for the possibilities.
Often, we know that which we ought to do, but the knowing to do right does not make us immune from the wrong. Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. That is to say, acting on our own, or self-will, will always lead us into trouble, or through this, we’ll find ourselves in a place of hurt, a condition or a situation wherewith we ought not to be. Nevertheless, when the uncertainty of fear buckled the knees in helplessness and imprisons the mind in hopelessness; may we acknowledge our situation, not to dwell therein, but as babes, to seek the hands of the Master. For in us is hopelessness, so we can cry out to Him as our sure Anchor of stability. Such was the account of Elisha the man of God and his servant. Though the servant witnessed a miracle of a great proportion, but like many of us, soon he was overtaken with fear, the fear of uncertainty. Therein he voiced out his fear and uncertainty “What shall we do?” as recorded in 2 Kings 6:15 Early the next morning Elisha's servant got up, went out of the house, and saw the Syrian troops with their horses and chariots surrounding the town. He went back to Elisha and exclaimed (shouted), "We are doomed, sir! What shall we do?" Don't be afraid, Elisha answered. We have more on our side than they have on theirs. Then he (Elisha) prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!" The LORD answered his prayer, and Elisha's servant looked up and saw the hillside covered with horses and chariots of fire (angels) all around Elisha. In fear, may our eyes be open, not to see the uncertainty of our situation, but the possibilities. For with God, all things are possible to those who believe. Sometimes the best prayer is the prayer of distress. Jesus rescues me! Going through so many changes What's the news for today? Somebody's hurt, somebody's aching Somebody's trying to find a way A heavy heart can break your will A troubled soul leaves time standing still If you're hurting please don't hide Lift up your head I'm on your side When every mountain seems too high And every river looks too wide When my dreams are lost at sea Jesus rescues me! My faith is strong and carries me Though sometimes weak I still believe My life is built on this desire Through the flood and through the fire Jesus rescues me I know you're looking for an answer Searching for some hope to hold Empty hands leave you waiting Praying for a miracle Jesus hears every cry He sees the walls that we can't climb And He will heal your hurting soul And lead you safely to His Home ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒©
- Trying to live for the Lord, when all along it is He who must live in us.
The Lord has not called us to live for Him, in our will power, but we have a new surrendered life that He may live in us. Thus, we read in Galatians 2:20 I AM CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST: Though we speak of spiritual crucifixion, but those that are crucified cannot live. Therefore, if we cannot live within ourselves, how can we live for the Lord? The second passage from Galatians 2:20 gives us a solution to our question. Thus, we read: NEVERTHELESS, I LIVE; YET NOT I, BUT CHRIST LIVES IN ME: Herein, it is clearly stated, it is Christ who lives in us. Hence, CHRIST LIVES IN ME. The issue arises when we use our zeal for the Lord to live for Him, but we struggle, when all along it is He, who must live in us. To better understand the death spoken of here, is to imagine a pea, or a seed. Take a single seed, place the seed beneath the soil. The seed must die through decomposition, though it is dead for a while, yet out of nothingness comes forth a new life, a sprout, tender, but it shall grow. Such is the believer, we let go of who we are now, our will power. Like the buried seed, it cannot raise itself through the soil. Neither can we go through, or live the Christian life, by the means of will power, but when all hope is lost, like the seed, a new life began. The process of this is thus presented, I AM CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST: NEVERTHELESS, I LIVE; YET NOT I, BUT CHRIST LIVES IN ME. For the next step, for that which we ought to do, this we read, THE LIFE, WHICH I NOW LIVE IN THE FLESH I LIVE BY THE FAITH Faith doesn’t always see before acting, but faith believes, to receive. Therefore, we pray, Lord, I trust Your will for me. Many are my misunderstanding of the past, but today, Lord, I’ve chosen to believe. Though it is not in my will to see the changes I so desperately need, but I believe the change is in You, so in you, I do believe. THE SON OF GOD, YOU LOVED ME, AND GAVE YOURSELF FOR ME. Teach me to surrender my life to You, so that You may live through me. This day, give me the reason to believe that I may see the changes in me. Lord, I do believe, but if there be any unbelief, help me that I may believe. AMEN. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20 Meditate on these words as you go through your day, while being reminded to keep trusting in the Lord. The decisions you make, the things you say, however, let not these things of your daily activities, be a new Law, or Laws, wherewith you must keep, instead, let the love of Christ reigns more in your heart. The more you love Him, the more your thoughts are on Him, the less you’ll see the temptations, and the more you will know to say the right things, and to do the right things naturally, as your love is natural for Him. Without the act of self-righteousness, nor the slumber of recurrence wrongdoing, but as naturally as you love Him, naturally the right things shall be done in your new life. Study Reference 2 Corinthians 5:17 John 15:7 John 15:6 Proverbs 3:5-6 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒©
- Alone, but not forsaken.
As Christians, we are blessed to be a part of a universal family, for those that are biologically our own, and those that are distance away, together we are united in the faith. Uniquely, we shared amongst ourselves the aspiration for the future, and in prayer our burdens to the Lord we plead. Petitioning for one another to the Lord, we feel the integral bond having one to lean on. There comes a time, when the absence of a result in our personal lives, birth the feel of solitary awareness. When all the natural instincts within us see not a way beyond our condition for a change, to this we feel alone, nevertheless, alone, but not forsaken. Like the woman, Veronica, history recalls by name. Her condition of illness kept her in a place of isolation, but the feeling of being alone and that no one understands our condition of which we desperately seek a change, it is not of condemnation that all hope should be lost. Though a pea comes together with many other peas in a pod on a stem, but before the stage of success as we behold the abundance of peas and fruition, a single pea must endure a time of seclusion. Therein, all self-preservation is lost, and a renewed life, strives through the soil into the light. Likewise, as Christians, when we feel we are alone, due to a certain condition wherewith we find ourselves, therein, the problem we faced is not the solution. To this we all agree, however, how often are we consumed with the constant thought of the problem and not a hope for a change? Though we are never alone, Joshua 1:9. However, when the feeling of being alone is present, for the lack of the change we seek, may isolation serve as a time of reflection to focus beyond the surrounding distractions, to the source wherewith the change we need shall be obtained. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. As the finisher of our faith, He is the Perfecter. Therefore, let us take with us, the measure of faith we now have that we may join with Him. Every discouragement in life is a setback, but let the setback of the believing Christian be a preparation to leap forward, every leap presents an obstacle that must be overcome. Like Veronica, in her search for a change, having done all that could be done, she was alone, but in isolation she perceived, and she kept saying, if I touch even His garments, I shall be cured. Having reached out in faith by touching the Lord, she was made whole, immediately she was healed. Today, the effectiveness of our faith isn't predicated on how much or little faith we have, but to Whom our faith is focused upon. Therefore, what measure of faith we have, may Christ be the focus. To Him our faith we take, in hope of assurance that we be made whole. Little is much when God is in it! Labor not for wealth or fame; There's a crown, and you can win it, If you go in Jesus' name. Are you laid aside from service, Body worn from toil and care? You can still be in the battle, In the sacred place of prayer. Little is much when God is in it And He will never forget His own. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Study Reference Hebrews 12:2 Mark 5:28 James 5:16 Isaiah 66:2 ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒©
- A man's heart devises his way: but the LORD directs his steps.
When we humble ourselves to the Lord, we see beyond our usual needs, and the common necessity of life. Therefore, we anticipate the unusual by faith. Knowing that though we do not see that which we are accustomed to at the time of need, but let us know, it is the Lord who provides that which we need. His provision is not limited to that which is common to us. If it is His will, He can use the unusual to meet our needs. Nevertheless, when we find ourselves in need, let us not limit the provision of God by anticipating only that which we are accustomed to. God is the Creator of all things, therefore, He can use any means of which we do not know of, to bring forth that which we need, so by faith, let us look to Him, knowing He will meet our needs of which we know not of. Though the needs of humanity vary, but the provision of God is consistent to deliver according to His good will. We will perceive the provision of God according to His will, illustratively speaking. In a faraway land of diversity; The inequalities between the people of this land established the longing of the lower class to be a part of the upper class. The young men wandered the heavily-traveled paths of their poor streets in hope to partake in labor chores for the earning of cash. The commute of the railroad between the two cities was to them a transition from deficiency to prosperity; the train rode into the upper class of the City of Wealth, periodically. Money was life, as a path into City of Wealth. Such was the thought on the mind of those who desire a better life. Occasionally they saw beyond their poverty through the interactions they had with those passing through. Then there was a young man, who had a social interaction with a female dweller from the City of Wealth. She liked him, and he liked her too. However, due to the inequality of their social status, this served as a gulf in keeping them apart. In his mind, he ascertains, if only I can earn the money I need, I can leave for the City of Wealth before the harsh winter blanked the poverty-stricken city, and there I shall reunite with the girl of my dreams, he thought, and promised to see her soon. The flash of thoughts turns into hours, and hours turn into days. The cold days grew into weeks and months. His steps grew in search to earn cash for his trip, but to no avail. It was the last call for the final train as the streets clear up making way for the flakes of snow, quickly they did accumulate, pasting the ground in white as far as the eyes could see. The young men hurried to help with the luggage of the passengers in hope to earn a favor through the receiving of spare change. He was a part of the charging seekers, but in the corner of his eye was the image of a man lying flat, motionless. He knew he had to do something about this man, but this was his chance of earning cash in hope for a transition to a better life. Or He could stop and give a stranger a chance of life. The latter became the decision, though it was the right thing to do, yet it was a hard thing to do. Lifting the stranger who could barely stand, where are you from good sir, I perceive you are not one of us? The man looks upon him with sadness. You must be from the traveler's logging. Hold on and I will take you there sir. No longer was the train his focus, the focus of his self-made plan, was now behind him as both the limping man and the young man walked, holding on to one another. Gradually the man gains strength, in his faint voice, he relates the account of his presence. I grew up here son, but at your age, I left for the City of Wealth, and there I met my wife, 22 years later we are parents to the love of our life, our daughter. Why would you come back here, you have made it? He firmly replied to the young man, son, true blessing is a light given, it must be shown in the dark in order to be a light. Though he listens to the man speak, but the fading of the train departure sound haunted his decision. Yet he held the man in support as they march through the accumulating snow. In the distance was the Traveler's Logging. A place of lodging for the wealthy in transition. In silence, the weight of the man increases, as his responses came to a crawl, the more the young man began to contemplate his decision and the path thereon. As the Traveler's Logging draw nigh, the doors of these fancy buildings were shut close, not knowing where he was going without a response from the man, he kept on walking. Prospecting without certainty, there appears a light in an open door ahead, partially blinded by the snow mixed wind. The light in the open door became a beacon of hope. Without yielding to the cold blasting wind, he pressed on toward the light. In the doorway was perceptibly the figure of two women. They stepped out into the snow, by helping both the man and the young man the remainder of the way and into the doorway. With his eyelids covered in ice, no longer were his decisions made by sight, but by faith; trusting whoever these women are, they will take care of the man and he will be taken care of as well. Like a flash, all was faded and in reappearance, gone were the icy eyelids. Removed was the burden on his shoulders. Free were his feet from the depth of sinking snow, but warm they did feel. He was in a home like none ever. At his right side was a fireplace, with the softness of a warm blanket over his shoulders. Gazing at the fireplace, his eyes followed the design of the room's décor, in front of him was the biggest chair he has ever seen. Therein sat the stranger he had helped earlier. With a smile on his face and the return of full mobility in his arms; he held on to a mug while slightly lifting it as a toast proposed to him. An all familiar voice rang from the distance within the home. Daddy, is he awake? Tracing the voice with his eyes, he beheld the girl of his dream. How can this be he thought? There came another voice of a female, filled with wisdom and love; He is awake honey. She instantly introduces herself as a mother and a wife. I am sure you’ve met my husband, she added with a smile. The man finally spoke, thank you son. You see, our daughter told us about a boy. She spoke well of him, but like you, I know what it is to live in a place of deficiency. If this boy couldn’t afford traveling to our city, we decided as a family to come here and meet him. I couldn’t return to my daughter without him, so I stayed out in the cold, until my body gives in. There you found me, and I am in your debt son. Little did I know that you are that boy. The four of us will leave after the storm, until then, my wife and I will retire for the night, giving you young folks the time to catch up. In our time of need, God shall create that which we need, as He sees fit. If money or material things cannot get us the desires of our heart, God in His wisdom will give us that which we need according to His will, in due time. Thus, it is written: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11) ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒© Go to HOME BOOKS RESOURCES NAMES QUOTATIONS & MORE
- Le salut, un nouveau départ.
Le mot dieu a pris un sens universel, donnant lieu à la folie. La justification des hommes pervers d’affliger le mal aux autres. Ce sont les actes de déception. Ce n'est pas de Dieu. Regarde ta vie, de la conception à la naissance et à l'âge adulte. C'est un plan merveilleux, avec des détails merveilleux et uniques. C'est le travail d'un Dieu aimant qui donne la vie et ne la détruit pas Quelle que soit ta vie maintenant Il est prêt à te donner une vie meilleure, une relation, pas une religion. Une relation nécessite du temps. Il est temps d'apprendre et de grandir. De plus, de faire l'expérience de l'amour de Dieu. Il n'y a pas de règles ni de réglementations pour avoir une relation avec Dieu, juste l'amour et la foi. Les chefs religieux te donneront une liste de règles et de règlements, affirmant que c'est le chemin qui mène à Dieu, mais leur véritable intention est de te contrôler. La voie de Dieu est par Jésus Christ. Ta reconnaissance de qui il est et de son amour pour toi marque le début d'une nouvelle vie. Une relation nécessite une communication et la prière est simplement une communication avec Dieu. La déclaration de ta foi est la prière que tu feras après avoir accepté le Seigneur dans ton cœur. C'est une prière du pécheur pour ton salut. Faire l'expérience de sa grâce incroyable. Dieu ne laisse pas une personne trouver son chemin par elle-même. Au lieu de cela, il a fourni tous les moyens pour l'atteindre. La prière pour reconnaître son plan de salut se trouve dans ses paroles de Romains 10: 9 ‘’Si tu confesses de ta bouche le Seigneur Jésus et si tu croire dans ton cœur que Dieu l'a ressuscité des morts, tu seras sauvés’’. En d'autres termes, reconnait qui il est et ce qu'il a fait pour toi et croire ces mots comme suit. Cher Dieu au Ciel, je viens à toi au nom de Jésus. Je suis désolé pour la façon dont j'ai vécu les choses que j'ai faites. S'il te plaît, pardonne-moi et purifie-moi de toute injustice avec ton sang précieux selon ta parole dans (Romains 10: 9), je crois dans mon cœur que Dieu a ressuscité Jésus d'entre les morts et il est vivant. Avec ma bouche, je confesse le Seigneur Jésus-Christ comme le Sauveur de mon âme, maintenant, je l'accepte comme le Seigneur de ma vie. En ce moment, selon la parole de Dieu qui ne peut pas mentir. Je suis lavé, je suis sauvé, je suis né de nouveau. Je te remercie, Seigneur Jésus, de mourir sur la croix pour me donner une nouvelle vie, une vie éternelle. Apprend-moi ton chemin que je puisse suivre. Ame Forum de discussion
- The moving of the Holy Spirit is different from the person of the Holy Spirit.
Too often the believer confuses these two or they lack the proper understanding of the two. To understand the person of the Holy Spirit, is to know His character and His manifestation throughout the Scripture with Scriptural reference. Beginning with the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis. Which means origin. The origin of life on Earth as we know it today. God created the Heaven and the Earth in the beginning. However, at an unknown point in time, we are told the Earth was without form, and void and there was darkness. There are three words to expound upon, in order to understand the moving of the Holy Spirit and the person of the Holy Spirit. The first two words are formless [without form] and void the original terms in the Hebrew language are tohu and bohu. They convey the idea of confusion and disorder. The last word is darkness. With that being said, this was the state of the Earth at that given time. Confusion, disorder and darkness. Next, we get a glimpse of the person or the character of the Holy Spirit. Despite the state of confusion and disorderedness. We are told the Holy Spirit, who is God as well. Moved upon this formless void and darkness. The moving of the Holy Spirit here, carries the connotation of moving gently or the motion of brooding like a dove. Poole described such notions and rightly so as a metaphor form of birds hovering and fluttering over, and sitting upon their eggs and young ones, to cherish, warm, and quicken them. This tells us, and gives us an insight into the person of the Holy Spirit as the life giver, peaceful, thoughtful and gentle, not rambunctious. David painted the picture of the Holy Spirit in the 23 Psalms, as one who led His flocks beside still waters. Still waters are deep waters, and settled. The surrounding elements and wind do not move it, but quiet, peaceful and crystalline. The person of the Holy Spirit as described in these few illustrations is however unique from the moving of the Holy Spirit, two different things. This is where the lack of understanding resides sadly so among many believers. Although the Holy Spirit by nature is gentle. The cause of His moving is to quicken. However, the effects of His moving vary. Though He gently attend to us with love, but our responses are of a great magnitude with joyous thanksgiving. With which some may shout praises, leap for joy, dance and sing loud praises to the Lord. These are the effect of a quicken soul. However, this does not change the fact that the nature of the Holy Spirit remains the same as that of a gentle Spirit. The misunderstanding on the part of the believer arise by attributing the feeling they feel with the person of the Holy Spirit. Thereby assuming that whosoever does not show such passion and exuberance, haven’t experienced the moving of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God, did not God created the great sequoia redwood tree, towering over 200 feet into the sky? Of a great magnitude, it sprung forth with boldness. Likewise, He created the duckweed plant, without any solid root and a grand display like that of the grand redwood tree. The duckweed quietly grows on the top of a quiet water. At the size of less than an inch. Diverse in the display, but moved upon by the same Spirit. Likewise, the moving of the Holy Spirit upon the believer may cause one to raise their hands and worship. Whereas it may cause another to quietly pick up an ink and a paper and write from his soul, the wondrous blessing of the moving of the Holy Spirit as an amazing grace how sweet the sound. The Holy Spirit is loving and gentle as a dove. His effect upon those who love His work, shall rejoice differently, but this one thing we all share, the joy we feel and the blessing thereof is brought forth only by the moving of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God and never self. Those that truly experience the moving of the Holy Spirit of God, will display gratitude for God, and true gratitude will show reverence towards God. That all may come into His presence with thanksgiving and reverence through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. For more, check out the RESOURCES page and MISCELLANEOUS writings ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒© Go to HOME BOOKS RESOURCES NAMES QUOTATIONS &MORE
- Going through a burdensome world
In a demanding world of insensitivity, burdensome are the masses. In weakness, they seek strength, but to no avail. Such is the human mind, if there is weakness, instinctively, strength is viewed as the means of overcoming the many toils of life and its burden. Nevertheless, if it takes the strength of the one who is weak to overcome his weakness; how then is he in a state of weakness? The rain cannot stop falling for the sake of one individual to stay dry from the elements, but with sheltering, the individual will experience the storm without condensation. So then, in the times of weakness, courage is the shelter through the path of weariness. Though the word courage and strength bare similarities. However, the strength to overcome through self-willed, is to achieve victory by force, of which the result is undoubtedly a disappointment. On the contrary, courage is the quality of mind which enables men to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, without fear or depression. Courage is to be enabled, to enable is to supply with the means. He or she who is enabled to be courageous, is only as effective as the source from which they are enabled. Greater than men and all the burdens, is God. If God is the enabler, then courage is the strength to go through the weariness of life. Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. (Psalms 27:14) Is failure acceptable without waiting, than waiting to succeed? ____________________________________ 🎨PSW·3✒©
- Boldness in time of need
The Christian boldness in time of need Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:16) What isn't the Christian boldness. Control over other believers Leadership is not an exploitation over those that are led for the benefit of the leader. Scripture references - Colossians 1:18, Ephesians 1:22 Commanding of angels It is God who shall give His angels order, to keep and protect the believer. The believer is never authorized to command an angel because all things to God are through Jesus Christ. Scripture references - Psalms 91:11, John 6:44 Non-confessing of sin Boldness to obtain grace is not a license for sinning without remorse. To confess is to acknowledge wrong doing. Then turning away from the wrong doing, with a humble spirit. Scripture references - 1 John 2:1, Romans 6:15 What is the Christian boldness in time of need? The boldness is the firm surety that God will do that which we need. So then, the boldness spoken of here is not on our part, but rather let us not linger outside the finish work of Christ by the practice of religious laws and man-made rules, in hope of God's favor. Rather, let us come into His presence with confidence and freedom. That we may receive mercy and grace in the time of need. Those who seek mercy and grace are not self-sufficient. We are dependent on God. Our dependency on God should be our gratitude for His love and power, but never arrogant on our part.